How importance is business cards in Japan? In Japan, a person’s social position is of great importance. Traditionally, when everyone in Japan wore kimonos, embroidered crests on the kimono indicated the person’s rank in the social hierarchy.

Today, business cards have replaced the kimono crests as indicators of rank and social status. Therefore, anyone who wants to do business in Japan should have a good understanding of the formal protocol associated with business cards there.

The Japanese give a business card to almost every new person they meet, especially in a business situation. Therefore, the first rule is to make sure you have a large supply of proper business cards printed. The cards should be double-sided, printed in English on one side and Japanese on the other.

The Importance of Business Cards in Japan

Having your business card translated into Japanese can be a challenge. It’s rarely a simple matter of substituting a Japanese word for each English word.

Many English words and phrases don’t exist in Japanese, or if translated literally may have a completely different meaning. Slogans and bylines can be especially difficult to translate. Make sure your translator completely understands your company’s message.

The Importance of Business Cards in Japan

Sometimes it can take hours to figure out how to retain the original message in Japanese. You might very possibly have to totally rewrite your slogan. It might not even be a good idea to translate the name of your company word for word, especially if the name helps identify your product or service.

When translating and designing your business cards, also remember that the Japanese version will usually take up more space than the English version. So be sure the Japanese side doesn’t look cluttered.

The Importance of Business Cards in Japan

When you visit Japan, you should follow the very formal etiquette involved in the exchange of business cards. If the other person is of a higher rank, you should stand up, bow slightly, and present your card with the Japanese side up, using either your right hand or both hands.

You can also receive a card with your right hand or both hands, but it’s best to use both hands. Take time to silently read the other person’s card for a few seconds. Then say the name and title in a respectful way. Try your best to pronounce the name correctly. This will give the other person a chance to correct you if you mispronounce it.

If you’re meeting in passing, place the card in a business case or a shirt pocket or wallet.

Never put it in your back trouser pocket! If you’re exchanging business cards at the beginning of a meeting, arrange the business cards neatly on the table in front of you, following the seating plan. This way you can connect the correct names with each person during the meeting. After the meeting, it’s best to put the cards in a business card holder. Again, don’t ever put them in your back pants pocket!

Do you need business card supply with Japanese culture value? Ayuprint, printing shop in Karawang serve the material, design, and the service.