Here are 6 Question Test for Your Business Card. You’ve put a lot of thought into your business card design. Before you start handing them out at your next meeting, networking event, or important interview, make sure your card fits its job description.
Place your card on the table in front of you and close your eyes for thirty seconds. When you open them, ask yourself:
1. Is it presentable?
If it’s creased or worn at the edges, throw it out and get a fresh batch printed.
Invest in a business card holder (or several) to keep your cards clean and pristine. Cards crammed in your wallet or floating around loose in your purse don’t stand a chance.
2. Is it eye-catching?
Does the graphic or logo clearly indicate what product or service you offer? Is the graphic simple, clean, and recognizable?
On the flip side, does anything jump out as unique? If not, your design needs some pumping up.
Edit, edit, edit. The more text, the smaller the font. Don’t make your customer hunt for a magnifying glass. Or worse, just throw the card away out of frustration.
3. Is all relevant information included?
Name, title, phone numbers, website, email, and maybe one social networking profile. Throw in a catch phrase and a graphic, and that’s plenty.
Make sure all your information is up to date.
4. Is the space utilized effectively – including the back?
Unique features on the back will encourage customers to keep the card or pass it on. A few ideas include a coupon, a code for online discounts, a list of perks, or a useful chart.
See above about editing; every word should “pay its own way.” Keep phrases short and active.
Less effective: “Drop by the shop anytime. You’ll never need an appointment.”
More effective: “Walk-ins welcome. No appointment needed.”
5. Does it speak to the intended audience?
A bright, eye-catching card with relevant product/service and contact info is great for attracting new customers.
Existing customers may like expanded information, and maybe an enticement for repeat business or referral rewards.
6. Are the cards easy to handle?
Cards with a glossy finish look more professional, plus they’re easier to slide in and out of holders than matte-finish cards.
Contact Ayuprint Percetakan di Karawang today and let us help make your business card an asset.