Mencari contoh company profile bisnis perusahaan? Selamat datang di halaman website yang menyediakan banyak contoh serta ide-ide dalam membuat sebuah company profile. Corporate profile atau business profile kadang disebut juga corporate brochure. Profile perusahaan dengan brosur bisnis hanya beda-beda sedikit saja.

Saya akan berbagi dengan Anda contoh – contoh Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan yang akan menjadi sumber ide dan rujukan Anda dalam mendesain company profile anda sendiri.

Saya sering kali menjelaskan baik singkat padat, entah itu melalui email, SMS, telpon tentang apa itu dari A hingga Z tentang sebuah company profile. Panduan dan apa saja data-data yang harus disiapkan untuk sebuah proses pengerjaan company profile, berapa lama pengerjaan desain hingga berapa harganya, itu semua seperti makanan sehari-hari.

Pesan Desain dan Cetak Company Profile?

  • Call / WhatsApp: 0813-9881-8119 (pak Badar)

  • Desain mulai dari 350 ribu, print / cetak mulai dari 25 ribu / eksemplar

Ya desain itu beragam dan relatif. Akan tetapi pada dasarnya estetika desain didasarkan atas filosofi pemilik bisnis dan tujuan bisnis itu sendiri.

Nah, silahkan langsung lihat dan nilai sendiri beberapa belas contoh company profile yang bisa anda jadikan sebagai sumber inspirasi.

1. A4 Landscape Brochure Mock-Up Template

Ini adalah template brosur profile perusahaan dalam ukuran A4 landscape. A4 Landscape Brochure Mock-Up features: 12 pre made psd files; Customize-able DOF Effect; Foil Stamping Effect (unlimited colors variations); Easy and fast editing via Smart-Objects; Changeable background via Smart-Object – automatic perspective; High resolution: 4600×2600 pixels; Fully organized layers and folders; Photo-realistic result; and Help file.

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

2. A4 Tri-fold Brochure Corporate Design

Ini adalah contoh desain profil bisnis dalam ukuran A4 lipat tiga. This is a Modern Corporate Tri-Fold Brochure Template.This template are 6 x A4 pages(Front-Back). Suitable for Corporate Business Agency or Company.Of course no doubt to MULTIPURPOSE use .This template download contains CMYK color, which is 300 dpi print-ready formate. Mainfile contain 1 indesign, 1 IDML & help file.Compatible on Adobe Indesign CS4,CS5 & Latest CC version. All main elements are easily editable and customizable.

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

3. Agency Tri-fold Brochure Template

Contoh profile bisnis ke-agen-an dalam bentuk lipat tiga. This is a Modern Corporate Tri-Fold Brochure Template.This template are 6 x A4 pages(Front-Back). Suitable for Corporate Business Agency or Company.Of course no doubt to MULTIPURPOSE use .This template download contains CMYK color, which is 300 dpi print-ready formate. Mainfile contain 1 indesign, 1 IDML & help file.Compatible on Adobe Corporate Flyer Template can be used on any business purpose, it’s fully editable, fully layered with CMYK Color profile and 300dpi, so it’s fully print ready, and Help included in the main file too.Indesign CS4,CS5 & Latest CC version. All main elements are easily editable and customizable.

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

4. Bi- Fold Brochure Design for Corporate Business

Desain yang ini cocok untuk company profile dalam bentuk dua lipat. This is a corporate bi fold brohcure. photos are not attached in the main zip file Photo download links are attached in the help file. Information: – Size: 11×8.5 In, – Bi-Fold (04 page), Resolution: 300 dpi, Color mode: CMYK, Bleed: 0.25 in, Working file: Photoshop cs, Files included: Photoshop cs5 (psd).

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

5. Bi- Fold Business Brochure Template

Ini adalah brosur profile perusahaan dalam dwi lipat.

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

6. Blue Corporate Brochure Design

Jika perusahaan Anda memiliki logo berwarna biru, maka desain company profile bisa dibuat dengan menyesuaikan contoh desain ini.

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

7. Business Catalog Brochure Template

Company profile Anda sekaligus katalog produk? Tidak masalah, desain ini bisa menginspirasi Anda.

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

8. Clean Creative Brochure Template

It’s a 20 pages Clean Creative Brochure template is for Creative Firm/ Company or Office and Agency based projects. Just drop in your own images and texts, and it’s ready to Print. this Brochure is loaded with paragraph/character styles for easy customization.

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

9. Corporate Bi- Fold Business Brochure Design

This is a corporate bi- fold brochure for a corporate office or agency. Photos are not included in the main zip file. 2 color file added. Information: Size: 11×8.5 in, pages: Bi-Fold (04 pages), Resolution : 300 Px, Color mode: CMYK, Bleed: 3 mm, Working file: Adobe Indesign cs6, File include: Indesign cs6 (INDD), indesign cs4 (IDML).

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

10. Corporate Bi-Fold Brochure Design

This is a corporate bi – fold business brochure. All is layered. Easy to customize. Photos are not included in the main zip file. Information: Size: 11×8.5 In, Pages: Bi- Fold ( 04 page ), Resolution: 300 dpi, Color mode: CMYK, Bleed: 0.25 in, Working file: Photoshop cs, Files included: Photoshop cs5 (psd).

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

11. Corporate Bifold Brochure Template

Corporate Bifold Brochure is for Corporate and related industry. Comes with elegant, modern and clean design. Photo not included in the main zip file,download link attached in help file. File Information: Size: 11×8.5 In, Pages: Bifold Brochure, Resolution: 300 dpi, Color mode: CMYK, Bleed: 0.25 in.

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

12. Corporate Business Square Brochure Template

Feature: 210mm x 210mm, 16 pages, Free Fonts Used, CMYK Color Mode, 300 Dpi, Print Ready, Easy edit and customized, Easy color change, Fles Included: 1 indd file, 1 idml file, 1 TXT (HELP FILE).

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

13. Corporate Trifold Brochure Template

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

14. Creative Company Profile Brochure Template

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

15. Photography Portfolio Catelog Design

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

16. Square Bi-Fold Business Brochure Template

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

17. Tri-fold Brochure Mock-Up & Template

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

18. Ultimate Square Trifold Brochure Design

Company Profile Bisnis Perusahaan

Jadi seperti apa Company profile bisnis perusahaan yang Anda butuhkan? Berapa ukurannya? Berapa halaman isinya? Covernya seperti apa? Apa yang cocok dominasi warna dan layout untuk perusahaan Anda? Butuh diskusi tentang Company profile bisnis perusahaan? Hubungi saya dan Anda akan beruntung jika mood saya baik 🙂